Mission and Goals

The International Institute for Voice Physiology, Physics, and Psychology

is committed to advancing the understanding and practice of voice science, fostering a global community of vocal professionals dedicated to promoting vocal health, technique, and performance. Our mission is to provide accessible, high-quality education and resources that incorporate the latest research, technology, and evidence-based practices in the field of voice.

We strive to create a supportive and collaborative environment that empowers individuals to develop and refine their vocal skills, while encouraging innovation, interdisciplinary research, and the ongoing pursuit of excellence in vocal pedagogy. 

Our goals include:

Providing comprehensive, cutting-edge educational programs and training for vocal coaches, therapists, and performers.

Conducting and promoting interdisciplinary research to advance our understanding of voice physiology, physics, and psychology.

Cultivating a global network of voice professionals dedicated to sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices.

Promoting vocal health, injury prevention, and rehabilitation through evidence-based practices and education.

Supporting innovation in voice technology, assessment tools, and pedagogical methods.

Encouraging lifelong learning and professional development among voice professionals and enthusiasts.

As we pursue these goals, we remain steadfast in our commitment to bridging the gap between voice science and practice. We believe that by fostering an environment of collaboration, curiosity, and innovation, we can contribute to the ongoing advancement of vocal pedagogy, ensuring that our students, members, and partners have access to the most effective techniques and resources.

We invite you to join us on this journey as we work together to shape the future of voice science and practice. By partnering with the International Institute for Voice Physiology, Physics, and Psychology, you become part of a vibrant and dedicated community, united in our shared passion for the voice and our collective pursuit of excellence. Together, we can transform the landscape of vocal education, research, and performance, creating a brighter future for all who rely on the power of their voices.